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Ecological Services
Naturaide creates beautiful and biodiverse gardens (havens) using Ontario native plants that benefit birds and pollinating insects by creating or improving habitat on your property. 

Why are native plant havens so important? Because they host hundreds of species of beneficial insects that are an important part of the food chain that in turn feed birds and other wildlife. Many of our native plant species are declining and your property can offer a refuge for them, preserving their local genetic identities and providing an important educational opportunity by incorporating them in your yard.

Now booking for 2025 haven installations!


Native plant haven creation


Whether it's adding a few native plants to your existing garden, a small bed or an entire lawn to haven replacement, Naturaide will work with you to enhance or create a habitat vital to birds and pollinators, no matter the site conditions. Naturaide also does consulting/site visits, meadow creation, invasive species removal and haven maintenance on request.


The 2025 labour rate for site visits and haven installation is affordably priced at $60/hour. On average, haven installation including materials costs $7-8 per square foot. Meadow creation cost will vary based on initial preparation work.



Native plant sales


Naturaide is planning to grow all its own native perennials from seed for 2025 projects, allowing for a greater selection and inventory for a variety of site conditions for client havens. The majority of species used are grown from seed properly collected in small amounts from the wild within eastern Ontario, preserving local genetic traits. Depending on species, these will be available for individual sale or bulk order - get in touch if you're looking for a certain plant! 


2025 Native Plant List


Plants in 3.5" pots are $6/each, with 5.5" pots available for fall planting at $12/each. Discounts available for 250+ plant bulk orders and landscapers and community groups.










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